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The Atlantic Provinces Trapshooting Association (APTA) represents trapshooters in the Atlantic Provinces of Canada - New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and Labrador. The APTA is a volunteer board of directors and is affiliated with two governing bodies - the Canadian Trapshooting Association (CTA) and the Amateur Trapshooting Association (ATA).

The APTA is largely responsible for ensuring that our annual Atlantic Provinces ATA Provincial Shoot is held in compliance with ATA rules and bylaws and works closely with local clubs that host our annual shoot on a rotational basis throughout the Atlantic Provinces.

The Atlantic Provinces became an ATA Province sometime in the 1960s thanks largely to the efforts of Quebec ATA Delegate, Harry Willsie. Unfortunately, not much more is known about the early history and formation of the APTA. We know through a search of ATA Average Books that shooters from the region started appearing in the early 1960s. At some point in the 1970s, shooters from the region were listed under the Atlantic Provinces. As ATA members, Atlantic Canadian trapshooters are eligible to compete in local, regional, national and international competitions including the Canadian Trapshooting Championships and the Grand American World Trapshooting Championships.



© Atlantic Provinces Trapshooting Association 2025