APTA Abroad:

Throughout the Trap Shooting Season, many APTA shooters travel all over Canada and the U.S. to represent the Atlantic Provinces at many of the largest organized Trap Shoots.

Previous Years

Florida State Shoot

March 22-27, 2022
Silver Dollar Shooters Club, Odessa, Florida
Report by: Andrea Bassan
Photo credits: Monty Petipas

Newfoundland shooters Monty Petipas and Peter Tucker attended this year's Florida State Shoot at the Silver Dollar Shooter’s Club in Odessa, Florida. Both Monty and Peter report that the weather was great and the staff at the Silver Dollar hosted a great shoot. The boys were a little rusty from a lack of shooting over the last 2 years but it didn't take them long to get back on track.

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Peter celebrated his 65th birthday while in Florida on March 19 and earned himself a promotion to the ATA Veteran Category. In Wednesday's Preliminary  Singles event, Peter shot a 94 to win Class D Non Resident Champion. Congratulations Peter. Well done.

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You got to love that smile. I don't think it matters if it's your first trophy or 50th. Shooting a good score and winning a trophy never gets old.

Quebec ATA Provincial Shoot

July 24-25, 2022
Club de tir de Valleyfield
Valleyfield, Quebec

Nova Scotia shooters Aubrey Spinney. Ken d'Eon and Gary Nickerson joined New Brunswick's Gerrit van Raalte for the Quebec ATA Provincial Shoot. Gerritt has attened the shoot before but this was the first time attending for the Nova Scotia trio.

Aubrey Spinney reports that they had a great time at the shoot and the Quebec shooters made them feel at home.  Spinney was the top Atlantic Provinces shooter and won Singles Runner-up (Non-resident) and Handicap Champion (Non-resident). Aubrey also received a 1 yard punch for his 97 in the Handicap Championship.

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Left to Right: Aubrey Spinney, Ken d'Eon and Larry Sexton (Alabama)
Photo credit: Joe Potosky and The Lost Target website


D Hazen All Peace Shoot

June 24-26, 2022
DVine Trap Range, High Prairie, Alberta
Report by: Andrea Bassan
Photo credits: Andrea Bassan, Troy Coldwell and Jessica Smith

Early in 2022, Jesse asked Troy and I if we would be interested in coming to High Prairie a week before the Canadian Trapshooting Championships to take in their annual D Hazen All Peace Shoot. Jesse offered to pick us up at the airport (High Prairie is only a 7 hour drive from Calgary), give us a place to stay, feed us and loan us their minivan while we were in Alberta - for our entire 12 day stay . How could you refuse an offer like that?

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Jesse and Lynn Smith operate the DVine Trap Range on their farm in the northern Alberta town High Prairie. It's a 2 trap club built on a corner section of their farm. Jesse has a grand scheme of a 10 trap club but for the time being, the plans are to add another trap or 2 to accommodate the number of shooters that attend their shoots.

The Smith’s have done a great job with the DVine Trap Range since breaking ground in 2021: concrete walkways to the 27 yard line on both traps, a transport truck trailer has been converted into a small clubhouse for classification, registration and cashiering and a large tent provides an eating area and shelter. Jesse tells me that a third trap will be ready for the 2023 season.

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The farmland also provides a great background for breaking targets.

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The D Hazen All Peace Shoot was a 3 day, 900 target ATA Registered shoot. 20 shooters entered the preliminary day events and the weekend events had 6 full squads take to the line. Troy shot well and won several awards including the High Over All. He also recorded the first 100 straight shot at the DVine Trap Range. Here is Jesse presenting Troy with a DVine Trap Range 100 Straight Pin and case of AAs for the High Over All win.

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To accomodate the 40 or more shooters and volunteers, Jesse’s shop was temporarily converted into a mess hall for the duration of the shoot. 

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Breakfast was at 8 AM and supper was scheduled for whenever we finished shooting.

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And we did more than just shoot trap. On Friday night, a Cribb tournament kept everyone entertained and on Saturday night, a BBQ and dance kept the doors open until the early morning hours.

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On Sunday evening, those that stayed hung around the shop and were treated to a great Filipino meal prepared by Tanasity’s friends.

Events at the DVine Trap Range are a family affair. Jesse and Lynn’s grown children, Justus, Jessica and Tanasity cooked, cleaned, scored and loaded traps. Justus and Tansity even found time to shoot some events while Jessica, who isn't a trapshooter, was busy taking pictures and keeping everything under control. Countless family members and friends also stopped by to lend a helping hand.

Troy and I had a great time with the Smiths in High Prairie and the DVine Trap Range. We definitely plan to visit with Jesse, Lynn and the rest of the Smith family soon.


Canadian Trapshooting Championships

June 29-July 3, 2022
Calgary Firearms Centre, Calgary, Alberta
Report by: Andrea Bassan
Photo credits: Andrea Bassan


© Atlantic Provinces Trapshooting Association 2025