Throughout the Trap Shooting Season, many APTA shooters travel all over Canada and the U.S. to represent the Atlantic Provinces at many of the largest organized Trap Shoots.
August 7 - August 13, 2013
ATA Homegrounds
Sparta, Illinois
(left to right: Monty Petipas, Peter Tucker, Troy Coldwell, Brian Lewis, John Tucker, Andrea Bassan)
Nine shooters from the Atlantic Provinces attended the 2013 Grand American Trapshooting Championships held at the ATA Home Grounds in Sparta, Illinois August 7 to 18, 2013. The shoot has been described as a "must" for Trapshooters to witness and participate in. The venue, people, targets, vendor malls, and the sheer scale of this event is something that needs to be experienced to be fully appreciated.
Shooting Highlights:
- Troy Coldwell recorded his 1st 200 straight in Singles.
- John Nichols recorded his 1st 100 straight in Singles.
- Andrea Bassan earned 2 ½ yards during the Shoot.
- Jim Hannah and Andrea Bassan placed in the Grand American Handicap Championship.
- Coldwell, Hannah and Bassan won several High Canadian Awards.
Preliminary Week Awards:
Little Egypt Doubles: Troy Coldwell: “AA” Champion (100/100).
Winchester AA Class Singles: Troy Coldwell: “AA” Third (200/200).
White Flyer High Overall: Andrea Bassan: “AA” Runner up, Monty Petipas: “D” Class Runner up.
Browning Super 500 Doubles High Overall: Troy Coldwell: “AA” Champion, Andrea Bassan: “A” Runner up.
Grand Week Awards:
Federal ATA Doubles Championship:
Troy Coldwell: “AA” Champion (100/100).
Troy Coldwell: Willsie High Canadian Champion (100/100).
Andrea Bassan: “A” Class Champion (99/100).
Grand American Handicap Championship:
Jim Hannah: 9th place (98/100)
Jim Hannah: Willsie High Canadian Champion (98/100)
Andrea Bassan: 25-26.5 yard group 4th place (97/100).
High All Around:
Andrea Bassan: “AA” Champion (393/400)
Andrea Bassan: Willsie High Canadian Champion (393/400)