Previous Years

2021 Atlantic Provinces ATA Provincial Shoot

Highland Gun Club, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia

The Highland Gun Clun hosted a very successful 2021 Atlantic Provinces ATA Provincial Shoot September 2th to 5th, 2021.

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Shoot attendance was down compared to other years with 47 shooters from the Atlantic Provinces (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island) and visiting shooters from Alberta, Ontario and Quebec in attendance.

With only 3 program traps, shoot organizers decided to plan a 4-day shoot to allow enough time to get through all events and to give visiting shooters some extra time to enjoy their visit to SW Nova Scotia. However, Hurricane Ida had other plans. With heavy rain, high winds and the chance of thunder and lightning forecasted for the opening preliminary day, organizers cancelled the opening Class Singles event and moved the APTA Doubles to Day 2. Doing so kept everyone safe, dry and had no impact on the competition as the Class Singles were not included in the High Over All.

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The Highland Gun Club hosted a fantastic shoot and ensured all shooters and guests were treated to great hospitality and some of the finest seafood on the east coast. Fish chowder was on the dinner menu most days and afternoon snacks included smoked salmon, smoked herring, clams, scallops and a variety of lobster delights.

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Shoot Highlights:

  • Troy Coldwell and Reynold d'Entremont go 3 extra rounds to determine the Singles Championship
  • Alberta shooter Jason Weaver claims the Open Singles and Open Handicap Champion titles
  • Alberta shooter Jesse Smith wins the Double Champion Open trophy
  • Troy Coldwell wins his 9th Singles Championship and 12th consecutive Doubles Championship
  • Ken d’Eon wins the Handicap Championship for the 2nd year in a row
  • The Highland Gun Club win the Atlantic Provinces Clubs Point Challenge
  • Team NS win the Atlantic Provinces 5 Man Team Singles
  • Jason Weaver and Jesse Smith win the 2 Man Team Singles and Doubles
  • The 2022 Atlantic Provinces ATA Provincial Shoot will return to the St. John's Rod and Gun Club in Newfoundland, September 1 - 4, 2022.

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In the preliminary APTA Singles event, Quebec shooter Danny Boulet claims the Champion award with a perfect score while fellow Quebecer Godefroy Cardinal, claims AA with a 98. Atlantic Provinces shooters Reynold d’Entremont (NS), John Roberts (NB) and Steven d’Entremont (NS) claim A, B and C Class titles respectively. Visiting Ontario shooter Richard Bootsveld claims D Class.

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Danny Boulet - Preliminary Singles Champion

Highland Gun Club shooters Aubrey Spinney, Davis Atwood and Reynold d’Entremont claim the preliminary Handicap, Runner-up and 3rd place titles with a 94. 92 and 90. Spinney’s ½ yard punch moves him to the 22 yard line. Quebec shooters Danny Boulet and Denis Brule claim 4th and 5th while Shawn d’Entremont (NS) takes 6th place after losing the shootoff with Brule.

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Aubrey Spinney - Preliminary Handicap Champion

Troy Coldwell captures the preliminary Doubles Championship with a 95. Close behind was Alberta shooter Jesse Smith with a 93 winning AA Class. Quebec shooters Claude Lyonnais and Danny Boulet take A and C Class while Ontario shooter Dianne Wood claims D Class. Doug Blades, Atlantic Provinces Treasurer and Highland Gun Club Trap Chairman, wins B Class honours.

Troy Coldwell and Reynold d’Entremont tie with 194s in the Atlantic Provinces Singles Championship and after a 3 round shoot-off, Coldwell claims his 9th Singles Championship while d’Entremont takes the Veteran trophy. Les Turner, shooting in his first Atlantic Provinces Championships, claims the Runner-up title. Rounding out the category trophies were Janaya Nickerson (Lady I), Ken d’Eon (Sub Veteran), Gerrit van Raalte (Senior Veteran) and Cole Nickerson (Sub Junior). Jason Weaver, originally from Nova Scotia and now living in Alberta, claims the Open Champion title.

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Troy Coldwell - Singles and Doubles Champion

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Reynold d'Entremont - Senior Veteran Singles Champion

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Jason Weaver - Open Singles and Handicap Champion

In the Atlantic Provinces Doubles Championship, Coldwell wins his 12th consecutive Doubles title with a 97 while Rejean d’Entremont (NS) takes the Runner-up title. Jesse Smith (AB) claims Open Champion. In the Class races, Jim Hannah (NS), Reynold d’Entremont, Doug Blades, John Nicolle (NB) and Larry Kinden (NB) take the AA through to D Class Closed honours.

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Jesse Smith - Open Doubles Champion

Highland Gun Club shooters dominated the Atlantic Provinces Handicap Championship as Ken d’Eon wins the Handicap Championship for the second year in a row, Clyde d’Entremont takes 3rd while Rejean d’Entremont and Davis Atwood claim 5th and 6th places. Troy Coldwell takes the Runner-up title and Terry LeBlanc (NB) places 4th after losing the 3rd/4th place shoot-off.

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Ken d'Eon - Handicap Champion

The 2021 High All Around and High Over All titles went to Troy Coldwell (Closed) and Jason Weaver (Open).

The Highland Gun Club also won the Atlantic Provinces Club Points Challenge against the St. John’s Rod and Gun Club. Each club is awarded points based on how their shooters place in the Singles Championship – 2 points for the high score in each class and 1 point for the next score. The club with the most points wins the friendly competition, leaving the losing club the honour of displaying the trophy at their club until next year’s championship. Congratulations to team Highland captain Ken d’Eon and the Highland Gun Club shooters.

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Andrea Bassan accepts the Atlantic Provinces Club Points Challenge Award from Ken d'Eon

Re-elected officials for the Atlantic Provinces Trapshooting Association include President Andrea Bassan, Vice President Troy Coldwell, Treasurer Doug Blades and Secretary Janaya Nickerson. Bassan will also continue to serve as the ATA Delegate and the Canadian Trapshooting Association (CTA) Delegate. Jamie LeBlanc joins the APTA board as the Alternate Delegate. Atlantic Provinces Provincial Delegates include Newfoundland and Labrador’s Kevin Healey, Nova Scotia’s Steven d’Entremont and New Brunswick’s Terry LeBlanc.

Complete Results

Event Scores

Photos - Shoot

Photos - Awards

© Atlantic Provinces Trapshooting Association 2025