Around the ATA

Trap and Field's Around the ATA article from the Atlantic Provinces ATA Delegate

Entry: February 2018

February 2018

Hello from the Atlantic Provinces.

As we’re still in the middle of winter here on the east coast of Canada most shooters are taking time to reflect on last year while eagerly waiting for the 2018 trapshooting season to begin. Most clubs in the Atlantic Provinces scale back activities in the winter months, so shooters take the time to mentally and physically prepare for the upcoming season.

Some use the hunting season to stay in top form, while others take advantage of the various trapshooting training aids and instructional videos, and by reading the helpful articles in Trap and Field. Others plan midwinter getaways and attend shoots stateside in the warmer climates. A group from SW Nova Scotia are doing just that and are getting a head start on the rest of us by attending the Spring Grand - an annual midwinter trip for those shooters for the last number of years. Good luck shooters.

While recapping last year’s shooting season, it is worth noting that shooters from the Atlantic Provinces represented well at the 2017 Canadian Championships. 2014 Canadian Handicap Champion Doug Blades shot his personal best in the Canadian Singles Championship with his 199/200 claiming the Canadian Open Singles Championship. 2014 Canadian Open Singles and Doubles Champion Troy Coldwell captured the Champion of Champions and the Canadian Singles AA Open Championship, as well as the Canadian Doubles Runner up title. Not to be outdone, Janaya Nickerson shoots her first 50 straight and captured many Lady 1 category trophies during the tournament. Congratulations also goes out to Ken D’eon, Herbie Nickerson (Janaya’s dad) and Aubrey Spinney for winning class trophies in numerous preliminary events with all three earning Handicap yardage throughout the tournament.

The Atlantic Province’s newest ATA club is New Brunswick’s Petitcodiac Sportsman’s Club (PSC) - an established multidisciplinary gun club offering pistol, rifle, archery and clay target shooting to their membership. Their one trap trapfield is relatively modest, but what they lack in size they make up for in enthusiasm for trapshooting. Local ATA shooter and PSC club director Ron Whitehead was responsible for introducing PSC members to formal trapshooting. In early 2015, Ron started by spearheading construction of their ATA approved trapfield and shortly afterwards organized an informal trap league. Building on these successes, Ron got the PSC started with ATA shooting and held their first annual Invitational Team Shoot (ATA registered) early in September 2016. In the winter of 2017 the PSC hosted a very successful ATA league. The 2017 Team Shoot was won for the 2nd year in a row by a PSC team and with 20 shooters signed up for the 2018 winter league, things are continuing to look positive for the PSC. This past summer the PSC upgraded their trapfield with concrete walkways with future improvements to include a new Pat Trap and voice release equipment.

The successes of the PSC have also grown to extend past the local club scene. PSC trapshooters competed for the first time in the Atlantic Provinces ATA Provincial Shoot this past Labour Day weekend taking home trophies and awards - all thanks to the efforts of a few dedicated PSC members under the direction of Ron Whitehead. If you’re in New Brunswick on your travels be sure to check out the Petitcodiac Sportsman’s Club.

For more information on the Atlantic Provinces Trapshooting Association visit



Andrea Bassan
ATA Delegate - Atlantic Provinces

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