Around the ATA

Trap and Field's Around the ATA article from the Atlantic Provinces ATA Delegate

Entry: November 2023

November, 2023

Hello from the Atlantic Provinces.

The Highland Gun Club in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia held another great Atlantic Provinces ATA Provincial Shoot on August 31 – September 3, 2023. In attendance were shooters from the Atlantic Provinces and visiting shooters from Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Alabama.

Congratulations to all winners and this year’s Atlantic Provinces Champions. The 2023 Singles, Doubles and High All Around Champion is Troy Coldwell and in the Handicap it’s Lloyd Litwin. Alberta’s Shawn McNeil won Open Champion in the Singles, Ontario’s Bob Morphy was the Doubles and High All Around Open Champion and Ontario’s Frank Schneider won Open Handicap. A full shoot report with the event highlights, results, scores and pictures is available on 

Alabama’s Larry and Claire Sexton made the trip from Alabama to attend this year’s shoot. Larry has been working on competing in all ATA State and Provincial Shoots, ATA Zone Shoots, Satellite Grands and the Grand American. The 2023 Atlantic Provinces ATA Provincial Shoot completed Larry’s ATA bucket list. Larry also won 2 awards at this year’s shoot – Open Senior Veteran in the Singles Championship and Open Runner-up in the Handicap. Congratulations Larry!

The Atlantic Provinces ATA Provincial Shoot will return to the St. John’s Rod and Gun Club located near Holyrood, Newfoundland and Labrador in 2024. The gun club is located about 40 km west of St. John’s, the capital city of the province. At the Atlantic Province Trapshooting Association’s annual general meeting, shooters requested that the board consider a 4 day shoot with 200 target days instead of the traditional 300 target preliminary day. The argument was made that the revised format will give visiting shooters more time to enjoy the local attractions. The board agreed and the 2024 shoot will be held over 4 days from August 29 – September 1, 2024. A warm up shoot will also be held the day prior to the shoot.

The Atlantic Provinces Trapshooting Association also held their election of officers during their annual general meeting. All board members were voted in for another term. Andrea Bassan will continue to serve as President, ATA Delegate and Canadian Trapshooting Association Delegate. Troy Coldwell remains as Vice President, Janaya Nickerson will continue as Secretary and Doug Blades as Treasurer. Jamie LeBlanc will also continue to serve as ATA Alternate Delegate.

For more information on the Atlantic Provinces Trapshooting Association feel free to contact me or visit



Andrea Bassan


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