Around the ATA

Trap and Field's Around the ATA article from the Atlantic Provinces ATA Delegate

Entry: September 2018

September, 2018

Hello from the Atlantic Provinces.

Interest in the Atlantic Provinces ATA Shoot has been fantastic with the shoot committee at the Highland Gun Club in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia expecting a record shoot attendance as they host for the first time. Presquadding has been busy and I am happy to report that a full squad of new ATA shooters from the Petitcodiac Sportsman’s Club have presquadded for the shoot. It’s great to see new shooters eager to compete at our annual ATA Provincial Shoot.

Our Atlantic Provinces ATA Provincial shoot promotion efforts appear to be working as we regularly attract shooters from across Canada and occasionally shooters south of the border. This year we can add British Columbia to the list of provinces represented at our shoot. Our “Come From Away” shooters often tell us they not only come for the shoot but also for the atmosphere, comradery and “time” that host clubs in the Atlantic Provinces are known for showing. We certainly do our best to make visiting shooters feel welcome and at home.

On the national trapshooting scene, the Brandon Gun Club in Brandon, Manitoba hosted a very successful Canadian Trapshooting Championship June 28 – July 1. Pat and Rob Lamont and their group of volunteers did a great job running the shoot. Shooters were welcomed and treated to great targets, friendly club staff and great shooting conditions with only a brief delay during the main Handicap event as a thunder and lightning storm passed through. Six shooters from the Atlantic Provinces attended the shoot and represented our ATA Provinces very well, with our shooters winning several Championships, Class titles and Handicap places.

Nova Scotia shooter Ken D’Eon was on target winning the Pat Lamont Singles C Class title with a 99 and then proceeding to place in all three Handicap events - 4th in the Charles Bogis Handicap, preliminary Handicap Champion (98) and Canadian Open Handicap Champion with another 98 in the main Handicap event. Ken earned 2.5 yards through the Championships and advanced to the 24.5 yard line. Fellow Nova Scotia shooter Reynold D’Entremont also did well in the Canadian Handicap Championships and claimed the Veteran Championship with a 97 taking him to the 22.5 yard line. Reynold also claimed the High All Around B Class honours.

Nova Scotia father daughter shooters Herbie and Janaya Nickerson were also on the winner’s list. Janaya earned a 0.5 yard punch for her 96 in the preliminary Handicap and won C Class Champion in the Canadian Singles Championship. Dad Herbie claimed the preliminary Doubles B Class title.

Newfoundland shooter Troy Coldwell claimed the AA Champion honours in the Canadian Singles Championship after a three way tie with Kahl Boll (Saskatchewan) and Paulo Sampaio (Ontario). All three shooters scored 197, triggering a shootoff for Runner-up (Boll), Open Champ (Sampaio) and AA Champion (Coldwell).  Coldwell also claimed the Canadian Doubles Runner-up title and AA Class honours in the High All Around.

Brandon Gun Club President Pat Lamont was clearly the shoot’s top shooter winning titles in all but 2 events. Pat won the Canadian Singles, Doubles, Handicap, HAA and HOA titles outright – all this while playing a key role in keeping the shoot running smoothly. Well done Pat - great shooting. Complete shoot results can be found on - the Canadian Trapshooting Association’s homepage.

For more information on the Atlantic Provinces Trapshooting Association feel free to contact me or visit

Regards,  Andrea

Andrea Bassan

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