Around the ATA

Trap and Field's Around the ATA article from the Atlantic Provinces ATA Delegate

Entry: September 2023

September, 2023

Hello from the Atlantic Provinces.

The Canadian Trapshooting Association and the Brandon Gun Club in Brandon, Manitoba hosted another well attended Canadian Trapshooting Championships from June 28 to July 2. 119 shooters from across Canada attended. 6 shooters from North Dakota also shot in Canada’s national trapshooting championships.

Pat Lamont, who shoots at the host club, won the Canadian Singles, Doubles, HAA and HOA and Alberta’s Shane Vaughan won the Canadian Handicap Championship. The 2024 Canadian Trapshooting Championships will return to the Vancouver Gun Club located in Richmond, British Columbia for the first time since 2013.

8 shooters from the Atlantic Provinces were among those in attendance at this year’s shoot. Making the winner’s list in the Canadian Singles Championship were Troy Coldwell - Runner-up, Peter Tucker - D Class Champ and Veteran Champion Brian Blades. Well done guys!

The number of Sub-Junior, Junior and Junior Gold shooters in attendance was great to see and an encouraging sign that trapshooting is appealing to younger shooters. In total there were 4 Sub-Juniors, 5 Juniors and 5 Junior Gold shooters in attendance which represents 11% of the total shoot demographics. Those are impressive numbers for our Canadian Championships. The parents and host clubs that support these young shooters deserve recognition for their dedication and efforts.

The Marthallers are definitely a trapshooting family. Mom Sarah told me that she had to rent a U-Haul trailer to get her and her 3 daughters from Mossleigh, Alberta to the shoot. Sub-Junior Julia, Junior Jessica and Junior Gold Hannah all had a great shoot. The youngest, Julia shot exceptionally well and won the  Canadian Sub Junior honours in the Singles, Handicap and High All Around. Connor Bish, another Junior shooter from Mossleigh, also shot well and the won the Junior title in all 4 Championship events. That’s good shooting.

You find the complete shoot results and shoot wrap-up article on

The 2023 Atlantic Provinces ATA Provincial Shoot gets under way on August 28 and runs through to September 3. Good luck shooters.

For more information on the Atlantic Provinces Trapshooting Association feel free to contact me or visit



Andrea Bassan



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