Around the ATA

Trap and Field's Around the ATA article from the Atlantic Provinces ATA Delegate

Entry: May 2024

May 2024

Hello from the Atlantic Provinces.

Nova Scotia’s Barry Turner and Peter Tucker, John Tucker and Monty Petipas from Newfoundland attended the 2024 Southern Grand at the Silver Dollar in Odessa, Florida in March. The Southern Zone has been a regular March break for the group and they always enjoy the shoot.

Barry has been attending ATA Satellite Grands, and the Grand American from time to time, since 1985, and this year’s Southern Grand makes 100 of those shoots for Barry. The two Tuckers have been shooting ATA registered targets since 2006 and both brothers recently shot their 25 000 ATA registered singles target. Congratulations guys. Monty recently retired and has some catching up to do.

The days are getting longer and warmer on the east coast of Canada. The trap clubs will soon open for the 2024 trapshooting season and there’s a full slate of registered shoots scheduled. The Atlantic Provinces shoot calendar can be found on

The St. John’s Rod and Gun Club near Holyrood, Newfoundland and Labrador will be hosting the 2024 Atlantic Provinces ATA Provincial Shoot from August 28-September 1. Visit for a shoot program, ammo ordering info, the shooter’s hotel rate, and all other shoot details.

The Canadian Trapshooting Association (CTA) will induct 3 shooters into the CTA Hall of Fame at this year’s Canadian Trapshooting Championships being held at the Vancouver Gun Club from June 26-June 30. In the Shooter category, Ontario’s Dianne Wood and British Columbia’s Lisa Salt will be inducted. In the Contributor category, British Columbia’s Gerald Broten will be inducted. Visit for more details on this year’s shoot and the CTA Hall of Fame.

For more information on the Atlantic Provinces Trapshooting Association feel free to contact me or visit



Andrea Bassan

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