Around the ATA

Trap and Field's Around the ATA article from the Atlantic Provinces ATA Delegate

Entry: June 2023

June, 2023

Hello from the Atlantic Provinces.

Anyone attending this year’s Atlantic Provinces ATA Provincial Shoot at the Highland Gun Club in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia should note a program change. This year's shoot is a 4 day, 800 target competition and starts a day earlier than normal. The change was made to ensure we finish shooting all events in a timely manner over the club's 3 program traps. This year’s shoot begins on Thursday, August 31 and wraps up on Sunday, September 3 after the Handicap Championship. The Highland Gun Club will open on Wednesday, August 30 for the Sponsor’s Challenge Shoot and registration will also be available for all events. A shoot program with the hotel rate and ammunition ordering information is available on

Good luck to all shooters attending the Canadian Trapshooting Championships later this month at the Brandon Gun Club in Brandon, Manitoba from June 29 – July 2. The club is also hosting a doubles marathon on June 28 and will have registration open for the shoot. Complete shoot details and a shoot program is available on

For more information on the Atlantic Provinces Trapshooting Association feel free to contact me or visit



Andrea Bassan

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