Around the ATA

Trap and Field's Around the ATA article from the Atlantic Provinces ATA Delegate

Entry: February 2020

February, 2020

Hello from the Atlantic Provinces.

Attention all gun club managers. If you haven’t already done so, it’s time to start thinking about your club’s 2020 ATA registered shoot schedule. Registered shoot applications are available from the ATA’s webpage. Once completed submit to Janaya Nickerson, Atlantic Provinces Secretary, for approval and forwarding to the ATA office. You’ll receive your shoot supplies in time for your first registered shoot.

Submitting scores has also gotten easier. The ATA has created an Excel spreadsheet that gun clubs can use to record the names and ATA numbers of registered shooters and their scores. The completed spreadsheet is then emailed to  You can continue to use the 3-part ATA registered score sheets and submit the shoot scores by mail with the rest of the ATA paperwork, but I would encourage everyone to try the electronic based reporting.

Not familiar with running an ATA registered shoot but would like to host one at your club? The information and ATA resources you need are available on the ATA’s webpage under the Club Resources section. Contact me if you need further help getting started.

The Atlantic Provinces January Shooter Profile is Reynold d’Entremont. Reynold has been shooting ATA registered targets since 2002 and is a member of the Highland Gun Club in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. The 2018 Atlantic Provinces Singles Champion shoots a Caeser Guerini Summit combo and recorded his first 100 straight at the 2019 Canadian Trapshooting Championships. You can read all about Reynold on our website in the Shooter Profile section and in the 2019 Canadian Trapshooting Championship writeup in the APTA Abroad section.

Herbie Nickerson and daughter Janaya will be attending the Spring Grand again this year. Steve d’Entremont will also be joining the Nickersons. All three reside in SW Nova Scotia on Cape Sable Island and will be looking forward to a break from the tough winter lobster fishery. Good luck, shooters!

The Highland Gun Club in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia and will be hosting the 2020 Atlantic Provinces Trapshooting Championships September 3 - 6. This will be the Highland Gun Club’s second time hosting our annual ATA Provincial Shoot and it’s shaping up to be another great shoot. Mark your calendars and stay tuned to our website for updates and complete shoot details.

Another shoot to add to your 2020 shooting calendar is the Canadian Trapshooting Championships. The Edmonton Gun Club in Edmonton, Alberta will host this year’s national shoot from June 25 - 28. Complete shoot details can be found on

For more information on the Atlantic Provinces Trapshooting Association, feel free to contact me or visit Or track down Herbie, Janaya and Steve if you’re in Tucson for the Spring Grand. They’ll be more than happy to answer any of your questions on trapshooting in the Atlantic Provinces and our ATA Provincial Shoot.



Andrea Bassan

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