Around the ATA

Trap and Field's Around the ATA article from the Atlantic Provinces ATA Delegate

Entry: June 2024

June 2024

Hello from the Atlantic Provinces.

The Petitcodiac Sportsman’s Club wrapped up their winter league on Saturday, April 25 with singles, doubles and a steak dinner. League organizer Larry Kinden thanked everyone that participated and also gave a special thanks to Dan Pollock who cooked a delicious lunch on every league day. Danny Boudreau topped the singles standings with an overall 92.5% average while Terry LeBlanc led the doubles with an 88% average. Shooting throughout the winter in eastern Canada certainly has its moment and all league shooters should be congratulated for their determination in keeping active during the cold winter months.

The Canadian Trapshooting Championships are just around the corner and presquadding is now available on The shoot runs June 26-30 at the Vancouver Gun Club in Richmond, British Columbia. The Canada Cap Challenge is back again this year thanks to very generous sponsors. The no entry fee purse is a provincial based competition were the top 5 scores from each province in the preliminary handicap are used to form teams. The team with the highest combined score takes home the purse and all bragging rights. And in true Canadian form, no shooter is left out. Provincial shooters from any province with less than 5 in attendance form Team Canada. This year’s purse currently sits at $5000. Good luck everyone.

The idea for the Canada Cap Challenge originated with the DVine Trap Range in High Prairie, Alberta. Club operators, Jesse and Lynn Smith first proposed the provincial challenge in 2022 and have been the major sponsors of the event every year since. This year’s purse is also sponsored by the British Columbia Trapshooting Association, the Vancouver Gun Club, the Canadian Trapshooting Association. and two very generous local shooters. Thanks to all sponsors.

Visit for a shoot program and complete details on this year’s Canadian Championships.

Presquadding opens on June 1 for the Atlantic Provinces ATA Provincial Shoot being held at the St. John’s Rod and Gun Club August 29-September 1. Please note that this year’s shoot will be a 4 day, 800 target competition with a Big 50 shoot on August 28. Visit for a shoot program and details on the shooter hotel rate, ammo ordering info, and the complete shoot schedule.

For more information on the Atlantic Provinces Trapshooting Association feel free to contact me or visit



Andrea Bassan


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© Atlantic Provinces Trapshooting Association 2025