Around the ATA

Trap and Field's Around the ATA article from the Atlantic Provinces ATA Delegate

Entry: November 2024

November 2024

Hello from the Atlantic Provinces.

The St. John’s Rod and Gun Club were selected one of the 2024 ATA Gun Club Fund recipients. Funds received will go towards repairs and improvements to their 65-year-old clubhouse. The club is very appreciative of the funding and thank the ATA for making such a great program available to gun clubs. Please support the ATA Gun Club Fund by purchasing raffle tickets when they become available. All proceeds support ATA gun clubs like yours.

Two successful fundraisers were held during the 2024 Atlantic Provinces ATA Provincial Shoot. The ATA Hall of Fame Lewis, an option available in the singles championship event, raised $340 for the ATA Hall of Fame. A goods raffle was also held in support of the Canadian Trapshooting Association Hall of Fame (CTA HOF), the Atlantic Provinces Trapshooting Association (APTA), and the St. John’s Rod and Gun (SJRGC). A total of $1800 was raised with half going to the CTA HOF, and the remaining split evenly between the APTA and SJRGC. Thanks to everyone that supported these fundraisers.

To keep things interesting, those buying tickets in the goods raffle also had an opportunity to win a Winchester SXP shotgun. Five tickets were drawn for a chance to enter a 10-target wobble trap event. The targets were tough, and it took 2 rounds for the winner to be decided. Aubrey Spinney won the gun by beating yours truly by 1 target. Congratulation Aubrey, it was fun.

For more information on the Atlantic Provinces Trapshooting Association feel free to contact me or visit



Andrea Bassan


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© Atlantic Provinces Trapshooting Association 2025