Around the ATA

Trap and Field's Around the ATA article from the Atlantic Provinces ATA Delegate

Entry: April 2021

April, 2021

Hello from the Atlantic Provinces.

The Petitcodiac Sportsman Club’s winter league continues through the cold New Brunswick winter. As of mid-February, Dan Boudreau leads the Singles standings by less than 1 percent over Paul Devereaux. Dan also tops the Doubles standings. Twenty-one shooters are registered for the league that runs until May 1, 2021. Good luck shooters!

Gun club managers and those responsible for organizing ATA registered shooting at your local club are reminded that the 2021 shooting season is just around the corner, so get your registered shoot applications to Janaya Nickerson, APTA Secretary, to start the approval process. A complete Atlantic Provinces trapshooting schedule is available on under the Club Shoot Calendar section.

The 2021 Atlantic Provinces ATA Provincial Shoot is scheduled for September 2 to 5, 2021 at the Highland Gun Club in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. Preparations are under way and we are planning to host at one location this year. However, we have a satellite shoot format in our contingency planning in case provincial health guidelines and restrictions dictate that we go that route again this year. Stay tuned to for more shoot information and a shoot program in the coming months.

On the national scene, the 2021 Canadian Trapshooting Championships are scheduled for June 23 to 27, 2021 at the Edmonton Gun Club in Edmonton, Alberta. Refer to for the latest news and a shoot program.

Shooters from coast to coast were saddened to hear of the passing of Saskatchewan shooter Rod Boll on January 28, 2021. Rod was well-known in the trapshooting community and an accomplished trapshooter. He competed in the 1996 Atlanta Olympics in Double Trap, was an ATA All American, Grand American Champion and Canadian Trapshooting Champion. Rod won all of the Canadian Trapshooting Championship events, the last of which was the 2019 Handicap Championship in a shoot-off win over son Kahl. Rod also attended the 2016 Atlantic Provinces ATA Provincial shoot and won AA Open in Singles and Doubles, and along with fellow Saskatchewan shooters, Dwight Smith and Dave "Tiger" Williams, Cardinal Godefroy (Quebec) and Richard Bootsveld (Ontario) won the Atlantic Provinces 5 Man Team Singles trophy. Condolences to Rod’s family and friends.

For more information on the Atlantic Provinces Trapshooting Association, feel free to contact me or visit



Andrea Bassan

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