Around the ATA

Trap and Field's Around the ATA article from the Atlantic Provinces ATA Delegate

Entry: June 2020

June, 2020

Hello from the Atlantic Provinces.

Preparations for the 2020 Atlantic Provinces ATA Provincial Shoot scheduled for September 3 - 6 in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia at the Highland Gun Club continue tentatively for the moment. The Highland Gun Club and the Atlantic Provinces Trapshooting Association will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation in all four Atlantic Provinces in the coming weeks, and will make a decision on our ATA Provincial Shoot that is in the best interest of everyone’s safety, health and well-being. The final decision will be largely dependent on provincial regulations and restrictions with regards to public gatherings, travel and social distancing measures. The latest shoot information will be available on

On the national scene, the Canadian Trapshooting Association has cancelled this year’s Canadian Trapshooting Championships due to COVID-19 concerns and restrictions that would have made it very difficult to conduct the shoot. The shoot, originally scheduled for June 24 - 28 at the Edmonton Gun Club in Edmonton, Alberta, will not be rescheduled for 2020. The Edmonton Gun Club will host the 2021 Canadian Trapshooting Championships. Complete shoot details and information on trapshooting in Canada is available on

There is some good news coming from the Atlantic Provinces this week as I write this article in late April: public gathering restrictions, social distancing measures and the overall COVID-19 action plan put in place by health officials appear to be working. Officials have even started to talk about plans to lift restrictions, but are cautioning residents that it will be a slow process.

For more information on the Atlantic Provinces Trapshooting Association, feel free to contact me or visit



Andrea Bassan

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